Monday, 27 May 2019

Day 6: Castlebar to Manorhamilton. 67.25 miles, Elevation 2380 ft

Raining ugh, porridge was ugh, fresh fruit and yoghurt, YESSS!!!  By the time I left the rain was off, lovely rural roads for the first 20 miles, sun shining, then suddenly a very lumpy shower that soaked me.  This was to be the pattern for the rest of the day but fortunately that first shower was the heaviest.  Rain, soaked, sun, dry out, rain, soaked, sun, dry out.  Thought the narrow road ahead was closed but just two road workmen, Austin and Declan making repairs.  Austin's wife comes from Hamilton, can't understand how they immediately realise I am from Scotland, good craic to ease the next few miles.  Again I didn't stop, apart from photos and chat, felt fine.  Met the lovely Farmer Brendan, rolled umbrella in hand, heading to inspect his sheep, "there could be some stragglers".  He was very broad Irish, I couldn't understand him and he couldn't understand me, an interesting conversation.  For some time I was on the busy N17, fast cars and lorries, but no problems as there was an excellent hard shoulder. Much easier day today., a tailwind so made good progress.  Murray met me with 10 miles to go, amazing in this warren of back roads. It is his birthday tomorrow, Tuesday 28the May, hope it is a good one. Have decided to head for Letterkenny tomorrow as the weather seems to be closing in, later in the week. Nothing to be gained from heading north up the west coast to Adara.  Devoured another great meal tonight in an old Irish Pub.  Left mayo, now in County Leitrin. Loving the open road.

Sligo for Me !

Suns out...Good Roads.

The Lovely Austin and Declan
Rains On

I Might ?

The Lovely Farmer Brendan

Rural County Mayo
Dinosaur...Middle of No-Where

And Friend ?

The Neighbours are a Care Home..Oh Dear

Wow !

Resting After Another Hard Day